10 years ago, Shopify revolutionized the front-end, bringing simplicity and efficiency to e-shops for brands. Yet, back-office technology remains a complex black box, treated as an IT issue with little focus on business outcomes.
Our mission is to change that. We simplify back-office technology and migrations with ready-to-use solutions that put business objectives at the heart of every process.
Streamline operations
Learn about how you can equip your employees with the right tools to pilot sales efficiently
Optimize costs
Discover how to impact net margin revenues and structural costs.
Achieve growth
Get inspired by this client's business case achieving strong growth in a competitive set.
CMO, Monnier Paris
A consolidated system is more adaptable to business growth and changes.
As the business expands, adding new functions or users is easier in a unified system. In contrast, a multiple brick setup may require complex integrations or even the addition of new systems, leading to potential disruptions and increased costs. The flexibility of a consolidated back office allows for smoother scaling and adaptation to new business requirements.
Centralized management of data and processes enhances security and compliance efforts.
In a consolidated system, it’s easier to enforce company-wide security policies, monitor access, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. A multiple brick setup, with its fragmented nature, can create security gaps and make it harder to track and manage compliance across different systems.
A unified back office fosters better collaboration among teams, everyone working within the same environment and has access to the same data.
This shared platform enhances communication and reduces friction between departments. Additionally, a consolidated interface provides a more cohesive user experience, reducing the learning curve and improving user satisfaction.
In a consolidated back office, all processes and data are integrated into a single platform, eliminating the need to manage and reconcile multiple systems.
This reduces redundancy, minimizes manual work, and streamlines operations across the organization.
Teams can access all information from one interface, improving workflow efficiency and enabling faster decision-making.
With a consolidated setup, data is centralized, ensuring that all departments work from a single source of truth.
This minimizes the risk of data discrepancies that often arise in a multiple brick setup where data is scattered across different systems. Consistent and accurate data improves reporting, analytics, and overall business intelligence, allowing for better strategic planning.
Face à la complexité de la distribution multicanale, Diaa Elyaacoubi a décidé de concevoir une solution de back-office qui permet aux marques d’optimiser l’ensemble de leurs canaux de distribution avec une totale maîtrise, de la mise en ligne du produit jusqu’à son envoi. Celle-ci est révélée au grand jour aujourd'hui.
Si dans le luxe, la tendance est à la gestion en propre des ventes en ligne, Diaa Elyaacoubi assure que les marketplaces restent des carrefours d'audience incontournable"
Connectivity, ecosystem &
partnership at Shopify
Gaia Suite is a simple and intuitive platform designed to efficiently manage your international and omnichannel presence. Standardize your offerings to expand your international omnichannel sales
Avec le développement des nouveaux modes d’achat, les marques de luxe doivent changer de paradigme de distribution. C'est là qu'avoir un back office technologique peut les aider.
Pour embrasser cette révolution de l'e-distribution, les marques de luxe doivent développer une double personnalité : d'un côté, préserver l'ADN du luxe pour leur cœur de métier ; de l'autre, adopter un pragmatisme technologique pour leur back office. Longtemps négligé, celui-ci revêt désormais une importance capitale car c'est de lui que dépend la capacité de la marque à s'inscrire dans le paysage digital, à être économiquement performante, et à offrir à ses clients l'expérience haut de gamme qu'ils attendent.
Une approche best of suite pour diviser par 5 les couts des marchands
Front-office standard solutions
ERP solutions
GaiaSuite connects to your ERP of choice for smooth data consolidation
Consolidate customer care and customer data base for a great client experience
Transform your store in a digital stock point to end dormant stock.
BI solutions
Pilot your business thanks to consolidated dashboard or connect by with BI of choice